The Importance of Taking Family Vacations

Posted July 25th, 2023

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of work, school, and other commitments. However, amidst the chaos, there's something truly magical about taking a break from the routine and embarking on a family vacation. Especially when Mimi calls from Florida and says “Here we go”. These moments of togetherness are not just about relaxation and adventure but also about strengthening the bonds that hold a family together. At this point with her living in Florida, the girls are lucky to see her twice a year. In this blog post, we'll explore the compelling reasons why family vacations are so important.

1. Quality Time:

In our fast-paced lives, finding quality time to spend with family can be a challenge. With the limited amounts of time we have before the kids are grown up, while we can, it's precious to make this a priority. Family vacations provide the perfect opportunity to escape distractions and focus on one another. Whether it's sharing stories around a campfire, exploring a new city, meeting new friends or simply lounging on a beach, vacations create cherished moments that deepen family connections.

2. Creating Lifelong Memories:

Family vacations create memories that last a lifetime. These shared experiences become the stories told at gatherings, the anecdotes that make you smile during tough times, and the pictures/videos that adorn your galleries and social media accounts. The moments of laughter, discovery, and adventure become part of your family's history. The girls have a fair share of “One time at Mimi’s house…” stories as well as stories of the activities we've participated in, experiences we've had, places we've been and God willing they will get the opportunity to make many more.

3. Strengthening Family Bonds:

You always hear stories about families getting stressed out during travel and all sorts of other travel horror stories. I will agree that it can be daunting but traveling together can be an incredible bonding experience. Turn those daunting moments into a mission for your family to prevail. Prepare ahead of time and triple check to make sure everything is packed. Work together to make decisions and delegate age appropriate duties for each family member to carry out. These shared trials and triumphs build trust, communication skills, and a sense of unity among family members.

4. Learning and Growth:

Travel is an education in itself. Exposing your children to new cultures, landscapes, and experiences broadens their horizons and encourages open-mindedness. I make it a point to always include an educational component to our trips. In years past on vacations to various National Parks, at my strong encouragement, the girls each earned their Jr. Park ranger badges. This year I'm planning to take them to a Sea Turtle Hospital. It’s experiences like these that create lifelong memories, and I constantly speak of Experiences over ‘stuff’. Plus with these experiences they learn about the world beyond their everyday surroundings, fostering empathy and a greater understanding of diversity.

5. Stress Relief:

Vacations offer a break from the stressors of daily life. The change of scenery, reduced work-related concerns, and the opportunity to unwind contribute to improved mental and emotional well-being for both parents and children. Of course depending on when you take your vacation the kids have long been in vacation mode but for us, it's about refilling the cup. The kids are used to seeing us in our daily environment, but they also deserve to see us in vacation mode too. They deserve to see you going in the ocean for a swim and helping them fight off super villains in the surf. You and your inner child deserve that as well. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

6. Building Traditions:

Something we will talk about in episode 2 of our podcast, Family vacations can become cherished traditions. The anticipation of an annual trip creates excitement, and the shared rituals during the vacation itself, such as a special meal or activity, strengthen the sense of tradition within the family. Aside from trips to Mimi’s house, I started asking the girls what they want to do on vacation and choosing the location based on that instead of asking where they want to go. Occasionally you’ll get a curveball, like when I asked what they wanted to do and Cookie said “I don't know, what about Michigan”. So it’s on the list for a future trip.

7. Reconnecting with Nature:

Outdoor activities on vacations, whether in the mountains, by the sea, or in the wilderness, offer a chance to reconnect with nature. Being in natural settings can be both relaxing and invigorating, encouraging physical activity and appreciation for the environment. This time outdoors allows family members to gain a fresh perspective on life. It can spark creativity, offer new insights, and inspire personal growth. And oftentimes these activities allow us an opportunity to disconnect from technology and can give your family the chance to reconnect on a more personal level. Now that both my girls are in middle school, have cellphones and Tiktok accounts I have to try even harder to stay connected with them.

Family vacations are more than just a break from routine; they are an investment in the well-being and happiness of your family, your superhero team. They create lasting memories, strengthen bonds, and provide opportunities for growth and learning. So, whether it's a road trip, a beach vacation, or an adventure to a new destination, consider making family vacations a priority. The benefits of these shared experiences will ripple through the years, enriching your family's story and creating a legacy of love, laughter, and togetherness.

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