The Evolution of Self: Building Your Personalized Skill Tree

Posted Sept 27, 2023

Life is a game. An RPG. Open World. It all depends on how you play it. It is an ongoing journey of growth and self-discovery. We are all works in progress, playing at our own pace, constantly evolving and developing new skills and attributes. Choices have outcomes. Much like the characters in a video game, we can chart our progress and plan our development with a personalized skill tree. In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of a skill tree and how you can use it to cultivate your own personal evolution.

The Skill Tree: A Gamer's Tool

In video games, a skill tree is a visual representation of a character's abilities and progression. Players can allocate points or choose skills from the tree to customize their character's development. This concept can be applied to our real lives to guide our personal growth and self-improvement. What do you mean to achieve? Whatever your goals are, be relentless in their pursuit.

The Four Stages of Personal Growth:


Just as in a game, self-awareness is the starting point. It involves recognizing your strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values. Reflect on your past experiences and consider what you've enjoyed and excelled at. Not strong enough to complete a certain task? Go get XP and try again once you’ve leveled up.

Goal Setting:

Once you have a clear understanding of yourself, you can begin setting goals. What skills or attributes would you like to develop? These goals will become the branches of your skill tree. This will create a roadmap to reach your desired achievement.  

Learning and Development:

The next step is to actively pursue learning and development. Take on the mindset of growth. Seek out resources, courses, mentors, or experiences that will help you acquire the skills you desire. Release what no longer serves you to achieve your growth. Each skill or attribute you develop is like a point allocated on your skill tree.

Application and Mastery:

Finally, apply what you've learned in practical settings. Mastery comes from consistent practice and real-world application. As you use your new skills, they become part of your evolving self. Potentially unlocking new branches to build upon or new interests that create their own branch.

Building Your Personalized Skill Tree:

  • Identify Your Core Attributes: During the self awareness stage, consider the key areas of your life, such as career, relationships, health, and personal development. What attributes or skills are essential in each of these areas? Which do you possess and where are you needing improvement? These will align with the branches of your skill tree.
  • Set SMART Goals: SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For each branch of your skill tree, set clear and achievable goals. Define what success looks like for each skill and for you personally. Build yourself a reward system for each level of achievement.  
  • Allocate Resources: Determine the resources you need to develop each skill. This could involve reading books, taking courses, attending workshops, or seeking guidance from experts. Allocate time and effort accordingly. Shift current time spend to create more value in the time you have. Tailor it to your lifestyle so it’s not jarring to your current lifestyle.
  • Track Progress: Keep a record of your progress. Use a journal, a digital tracker, or any system that works for you. Celebrate small wins along the way to stay motivated. Reward yourself based on your created system for reaching certain milestones. Become your own support system.
  • Adapt and Evolve: Life is dynamic, and your skill tree should be too. Periodically review and adjust your goals and skill development based on changing circumstances and personal growth. As we grow, so do our goals, desires and motivations.  

Much like a character in a video game, you have the power to customize your own skill tree and embark on a journey of self-evolution. You decide what is important and what matters. By following the four stages of personal growth and building your skill tree, you can take a proactive approach to your development and continuously improve in various aspects of your life. If you get stuck, it’s ok. Some challenges are tougher than others. You will find another way. The game is only over when you stop playing. Remember, the journey is ongoing, and every skill you acquire becomes a valuable part of your evolving self. Embrace the adventure, and let your skill tree guide you to becoming the best version of yourself.

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